Our policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you an exchange.

We accept the return of products that were shipped out by us and if the item is faulty due to an error on our end (e.g. wrong item). Item(s) must be returned together with proof of purchase.

Requirements for Replacement:

Must include a valid original purchase order number from, purchases made outside of must contact their seller for replacements.

All returned products should be in the original packaging without any missing contents.

If you want to return the product then only replacement is possible under damage or faulty product as we are not to provide any kind of refund under such circumstances

Refund process is not possible as the product showcases are made in china and we take responsibility only under damage
We recommend adding a tracking number or delivery confirmation with your shipment to ensure your return is received (highly recommended for International returns).

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase. Please contact our support team via for more information.